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Friday, January 24, 2014

Guest Host Elizabeth Giannantonio - Children

    Some have many, some have none. In my case I have one. His name is Travis and he is one of the most well behaved one year old's I have ever been around. However, I am having a hard time grasping the fact that he doesn't talk much. I know I feel like I'm the only one going through this, but I can assume there are more moms feeling this way. He learned the word "cookie" in one days time and I think it's because he liked it so much, but how do you teach a child how to talk? I read to him, I talk to him, I try my best not to have the TV on for the majority of the day and for some reason all he says is Ma Ma, Da Da and cookie. He is almost nineteen months old and what I am really hoping is that he will catch on soon. 

Anyone have any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Check in with your pediatrician. If it turns out that he needs some kind of help- so much better to know that early and get that help as soon as possible.
