Marie Lavender She some interesting and fun things to say, I know you'll enjoy getting to her!
Lois W. Stern
Bernard has written several books based off of his life experience. They are thought provoking and reveal a world that many of us are more then likely, unaware of their existence. More of a story in an old book rather then the harsh reality of truism. He was gracious enough to guest on my page today and answer some questions about his work. I give you Bernard Foong ...
1. What is your working title of your book (or story)?
I'm currently working on A Harem Boy's Saga - IV - Turpitude; a memoir by Young - the fourth book in my memoir/autobiography series.
2. Where did the idea come from for these books?
My story has been kept under wraps for close to 45 years. The correct moment has arrived for me to make known my unique education.
3. What genre do your books fall under?
Autobiography and Memoir
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Although, I'm currently working on the screenplay for A Harem Boy's Saga series for my literary agent to pitch; until such time when a purchase is finalize by a film or TV production company, I'm keeping my options open to who should play the main leads.
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
This is a unique love story of a boy who was inducted into a sexual secret society, before being spirited away to serve in several Middle Eastern male harems.
6. Will your book(s) be self-published or represented by an agency?
A Harem Boy's Saga seven series is published by Solstice Publishing. My literary agent is Ms. Emerantia Antonia Parnell-Gilbert from the Gilbert Literary Agency.
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?Each book takes approximately 18 months to complete. Each volume contains three months of my teenage life (per Arab Household) and are approximate 600 pages.
8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?There are other books written about Middle Eastern female harems. I'm the first to write about my experiences in male harems within a patriarchal society. Therefore my experiences are vastly different to the negative female harem stories that are currently available in the marketplace. My harem experiences are positively illuminating and educationally enlightening.
9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Below are the reasons that inspired me to write A Harem Boy's Saga series.
A Harem Boy Saga:
· Provide Tolerance to Sissy Boys by understanding parents/peers and the community.
Anderson Cooper 360 documentary on the devastating treatment of effeminate boys influence me to tell my story.
· Bullying can be Avoided through Big Brother/Big Sister volunteer programs in school or outside school system. Older students acting as mentors to younger students.
· Gay Adolescent Tolerance – parents/child/siblings relationship issues.
Support/mentorship program to all parties involved to foster understanding and acceptance of Gay kids.
· Provide an Alternative Educational System;
Understanding Big Brother/adolescent mentorship programs in schools, BB as protector to keep younger kids from being bullied.
· Human Relationship Building Program;
Between parents/teachers and young students on sexual topics/issues, especially when adolescent are just discovering their sexuality. They can be guided on a healthy and honest sexual journey instead of “don’t ask, don’t tell” hide it behind the closet policy.

Wow, Bernard! That's quite a life experience! And completely unfamiliar to me, which would make it an intriguing read. Thanks for sharing.