Hi everyone! I'd like to introduce you to my guest author, Rocky Rochford. Rocky has written several books and we have some of them listed here today for your viewing pleasure. They are exciting, adventurous, mysterious and intriguing—get your copy now and start the journey.
Meet the Author -
Rochford Author Bio:
am Rocky Rochford, I'm not to far into my twenties and yet, already I
have great insight into the world and her workings. I am a Writer
from Day 1 and a Writer I shall forever be. I am a Student of
Everything, yet a Master of Nothing who does not choose what he
writes, but writes what chooses him, be it fantasy, crime, poetry,
philosophy or even adventure, after all life is a journey we all
Boy Death - The Life of
is a wondrous journey we all undergo and it can be good or it can be
bad. We are forever finding ourselves on moments that will forever
shape us. In the form of Poetry this is a story of a life, the Life
of Little Boy Death, a troubled soul from day one and now he is ready
to share his soul with the world, letting his every fear, insecurity
and nightmare be known. It is in the darkness of the soul, true
beauty and depth can be found, buried deep within the years of
torment, heartache and self-loathing.
Entwined - Dead on the Floor
The beginning of the End starts now. For some of us, Life can be cruel, dealing us a losing hand and for Matthew Radley, a young Wiccan practitioner that is exactly what he got. After a lifetime of chaos, pain and losing himself, he finally got everything he wanted, the woman he loved, the future he desired and a reason to live, but in a single moment he lost it all. Unable to take the pain and no longer desire to live, Matthew takes the one thing he has left, his own life. For Matthew, his story has to end, in order for it to begin, his story has no happy ending, for his is a life of Love, Magick, Corruption & Death and only asks for understanding.
the Shanzi King's return to Mares looming on the horizon, ready to
unleash an eternity of chaos, three of his most trusted and dangerous
minions take to the World of Oceania to begin preparations for
Darkari's return, the Dark King of Death. This is the story of
Shaymon, bringer of diseases, Stavros, the always hungry wolf and the
warmongering Mongra. Each one desiring nothing more than the total
eradication of all humanity, but first they must find themselves a
place in the world before can destroy it.
![]() |
I am Death.
And I am hungry.
And there you are,
Unaware of my arrival.
Interview Questionnaire:
Rocky Rochford
latest/current work: The Entwined Saga – The First Glance &
Little Boy Death The Life Of
Solstice Publishing
Tell us
about your Latest Book/Book about to be released? Release Date? And
can you give us a teaser?
First Glance – Part of the Entwined Saga (continuation to Dead on
the Floor), releases this month on Amazon (11/30/14) in eBook format
and introduces the reader to a 16 year old Wiccan Witch, Matthew
Radley, as his present day 22 year old self, had killed himself in
the book Dead on the Floor and it is from Age 16 we begin to learn of
why he killed himself.
First Glance is the day where his life took the turn that changed his
life forever, a turn that would see him experience desire, drugs,
love, corruption, his own death.
story was always going to be about a girl, but not this one. She was
just the beginning.”
– Matthew Radley, Deceased 2014
but not for Long, Matthew Radley returns as you've never seen him
before, ready to get his life's story under-way. Who would ever have
thought that one typical Monday morning, would be the day he saw Her?
The Beginning of the End has truly come and he doesn't even know it.
releasing on the same day is my eBook Poetry Collection, “Little
Boy Death The Life of.”
is a wondrous journey we all undergo and it can be good or it can be
bad. We are forever finding ourselves on moments that will forever
shape us. In the form of Poetry this is a story of a life, the Life
of Little Boy Death, a troubled soul from day one and now he is ready
to share his soul with the world, letting his every fear, insecurity
and nightmare be known. It is in the darkness of the soul, true
beauty and depth can be found, buried deep within the years of
torment, heartache and self-loathing.
What other
books/short stories have you written?
works that are released and available for purchasing, would be:
Rises (a Deep Water novel) // (Full length print format novel
available on Amazon and other sites)
of Iris (of the “Rise of the Elohim” Chronicles) // (Full
length print & eBook format novel available on Amazon and other
on the Floor (Part of the Entwined Saga) // (Short eBook story
available on Amazon)
Turn Around (a Short tale of Murder) // (Short eBook story
available on Amazon)
of Darkness (of the “Rise of the Elohim” Chronicles) // (Short eBook story available on Amazon)
Are they available in e-book, print, or both?
like Phoenix Rises, is only available in Print, whereas Spirit of
Iris is available in both formats, whereas the rest of my works are
only available in eBook (such as the Entwined Saga)
Where can
readers find your books?
How did you
get started in writing?
was always a great way for me to relax and clear out some space in my
head, but as for what prompted me to send out my first ms, it would
have to be after working on Phoenix Rises on and off for as many
years as I did, I felt compelled to try and the truth is when it did
get published I was overwhelmed and I wanted to feel that joyous
feeling again so I wrote another book and another. Plus when I was 13
I did want to become an author when it started to look like my
Intelligence career would never be.
Where and
How can readers get in touch with you?
account: @RockyRochford
My Website: rockyrochford.wordpress.com
Goodreads.com: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7310280.Roc...
Then of course there is the social media that is Facebook that enables you to get in touch a few ways:
My personal Facebook account: Rocky Rochford (https://www.facebook.com/RochfordRocky?ref=ts&fref=ts)
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/IamRockyRochford?fref=ts
Facebook Poetry Page (my own of course): https://www.facebook.com/rockyrochfordpoetry?fref...
Facebook Little Boy Death Page (a character I have reserved for a special project and Facebook home to L.B.D's “other dimensional” philosophies and more): https://www.facebook.com/Welcome2theDarkside?fref...
with your latest work released/or being released, what comes next?
What can we expect from you in the future?
do you get your audience interested in your new film coming to
cinemas? You release a teaser trailer, well as far as I go, I am just
getting started, the future of Rochford has much to come. I will
never limit myself to just the one genre, or just the one story, and
why have one iconic character when you can have more? First there is
Lewis, an Intelligence Operative in the middle of his career, with
plenty of adventures to be had. Zach the protagonist of my latest
novel to be released, is a character who will be sticking around for
a while as his adventures in Sancti and the War against the Shanzi is
just getting started. Then while these two take centre stage, with
them come their friends Matthew Radley, Little Boy Death, Alex Carter
and the Brotherhood, protagonists of their own forthcoming
adventures. The future of Rochford, is the future of “FACES:”
Fantasy, Adventure, Crime, Espionage and Supernatural.
much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
actually try to put as much as I can, character relationships I have
based on my own, the protagonist to my published novel “Phoenix
Rises,” who is also the Hero to London Calling, one of my most
latest works, he is based on me too, my passion for the marine
environment. Being a scuba diver, the attitude, the personality. A
lot of Lewis comes from myself, as I have always seen him as the
person I could have been. Then of course there is Matthew Radley, the
protagonist to Dead on the Floor and the Entwined series. With the
entire saga planned, I can see his whole journey and with his story,
I really wanted to shake it up and put a whole lot of myself into
him, his appearance, the places he lives. The way he is was how I was
when I was his age and even a number of the circumstances he finds
himself in are all derived from things from my past. With his
character I really want to drive it him, blur the line between fact
and fiction as a test to myself and ability.
you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
am quite literally go with the flow yeah. I have a chaotic schedule
where anything can happen for any reason. Work can be some many hours
one day and three times as much the next. Then there are social
commitments and the like. So I write whenever I know I have a good
few hours available to me, such as the night-time when all is silent,
except for me clacking away at my keyboard.
is your routine once you start writing a book?
write it and stick at it, DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET DISTRACTED. Some
writers start something, only to never finish, so when I write a
book, I write that book, except in my case, it is when I start those
books, I write those books. Life gets put on hold, most of the time
about you in general? What is it that makes you tick? Makes you you?
Things you like to do and what prompted you into writing?
have a very vivid imagination and craze excitement non-stop. I want
to see the world, see it all and do it all and when faced with
something I can't do because I currently lack the funds to currently
do it, I write about it instead. But things that make me tick,
dipping my toe into the water before going for an hour long scuba
dive. Bombing around on a jet-ski. Going for a morning run in the
rain and mountain-boarding.
your own books, have you a favourite book? Favourite Hero or Heroine?
book would have to be without a doubt be London Calling, just
everything about it resonates through my entire being. It's the type
of story I once longed to live. Mystery, the fall of MI6 and a
youthful Intelligence Officer from the Navy tasked with saving the
day in a two-part adventure, what isn't to love.
as for favourite character, Matthew Radley is a great second (of the
Entwined Saga), what with having a whole range of adventures already
happened and planned, Navy Captain John Herman Lewis takes the lead.
Yes Radley has diversity, a deadly intellect and a mindset adaptable
to most things, it's Lewis' own mindset that steals the top spot. A
man troubled and tormented by his past, like Radley, but on a whole
new scale, whilst having to face unthinkable obstacles.
kind of research do you when writing one of your works?
and lots of In-depth research. Can be weeks or months of research.
For my upcoming espionage novel, I spent ages looking into naval
uniforms, insignias, type of guns specific officers would have.
Tattoos, Naval protocols and and more. I like to immerse myself into
the world I am aiming to write, after all the Devil is in the
you ever ask friends/family for advice or ideas to go into your
really, I prefer to keep my ideas to myself, write them in and then
maybe have a friend or family member read it and gauge their
you ever experienced Writer's Block? If so how did you work through
I can say even to this day that no I have never experienced it
whatsoever, I think my method of working on multiple works at a time
on a rotation really helps with that, as you are constantly going
from story to story that there is no time to run out of ideas, but
just keep building on them.
are some of your favourite authors to read?
else you'd like to tell our readers?
suppose I could talk about myself a little. Okay, my
name is Rocky, I am a 22 year old from England, who has spent most of
his life, growing up not in my country of birth, but in Spain, with
my family, two parents and two siblings. It is here in Spain I set my
first novel, it is in Spain I took to mountain boarding,
wake-boarding, boxing, and more importantly Scuba Diving. In fact I
am actually a PADI Divemaster, who intends on getting his Instructor
qualification because teaching others to scuba dive is something that
appeals to me, as a Divemaster I help out on courses, but as an
Instructor I would be able to teach them.
a writer, I am not restricted to one field, because for the last 6
years I have worked as a freelance journalist, who at a much earlier
stage in my career, had his very own column and write now, whilst
penning the occasional article, I am actually doing some work as a
publicist for a non-profit marine awareness, conservation group in
Spain, promoting their activities. I also dabble in screen-writing,
having done a number of my own short films, a number of animations on
the internet and even a play that was canceled, sadly. Oh I'm also a
poet.Now as far as education goes, ha ha, yeah I don't really have much of an education, I left England at 10, leaving behind me friends, home and good education to start a new life in Spain, where after 4 years in a local Spanish school, I never actually learned anything new, so I ditched school, started working with my dad and took to home studying. I engaged in subjects such as journalism, creative writing, philosophy, psychology (two subjects I consider to play a huge role in writing as they enable you to give better poise and insight into your characters and their actions). I was also interested in marine salvage law and maritime history. Although I never actually got a degree in any of those subjects, making my Divemaster credentials the only qualification to my name, I feel I have learned all I need and got all I need, after all, degrees only get you so far, life lessons take you all the way. Plus I have one novel published, two being released and two more in the works, that more than makes up for a degree in English and Creative Writing in my opinion.
Now hobbies, Scuba diving (of course), photography, hiking excursions, swimming, working on motors (especially my old bikes and I love Ducatis!!!) and of course music, which is a great aid for writing. I like to listen to songs that I can relate to and that the scene I am writing relates to, so that way as I am writing the scene or chapter, its not just my emotions going into the story, but the emotions the songs stir inside me and the song itself. Bands on my writing play-list include: Nickelback, Papa Roach, Theory of a Deadman, Linkin Park, Metallica, Blue Oyster Cult, Stone Sour, Tonight Alive and a few others
There is a whole lot more I've left out, but it's a story for another day.
do you have any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?
three: Never Say Die! Writing is not easy, nor is finding a publisher
willing to take a chance on your work. It can be excruciating at
times. So much blood, sweat and tears goes into it, but it is all
worth it in the end when your book finally makes it. When you hold it
in your hands, when you read your name on the title. Writing and
being published is not a race, but a marathon, it takes stamina,
strength, patience and determination, but it is all worth it in the
Twitter: @RockyRochford
Twitter: @RockyRochford
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