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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Thank you, from the Coffee House Tours!

I know everyone sees the logo and the posters for our signings, but I thought it would nice to give you a little more information and to introduce you to some new authors that have recently joined the tours.

First of all, I'd like to address the question of the plural, tours. When the brand was first created the reason I used tours instead of tour was simply—ambition. I'd hoped to branch out one day and opted to think positive.

Several years ago, my then cohort in crime and fellow author, Linda Stiles Fox, and I, started signing together at various coffee shops. We thought it would be a great addition to our book store signings and a way to reach the community. Before you know it, we started seeing the opportunity to add authors and we began asking who'd like to join us. From two to now thirty-five and the addition of New York and Oregon Chapters, our vision for the future has started to come true.

Sadly, my dear friend Linda, wouldn't live to see the explosion we'd had once talked about and hoped for. But I like to think she's standing by my side through all of it and nudging me in the right direction like only she could do.

Our mantra is simple...authors helping authors and the community. You see, the Coffee House Tours is more than just book sales and signings. It's about paying back to others who help you, support you, and strive to see you be the best you can be. As authors, we shine only because of the spotlight that you hold. And we are so very grateful for having all of you on our side. Whether it's Nevada, New York, or Oregon, we are your local authors. A part of your community...our community, and with your support, we continue to grow. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to let you know a little more about us and to simply say—thank you.

Please join the authors from CHT in welcoming our newest members.


M.A.R. Unger - Mystery/Thriller             

Alba Arango - Middle Grade/Mystery

J.S. Peck - Multi-Genre


SC Alban - Paranormal

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