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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ushering Out Summer

As I was scrambling to get in some author work before the dreaded house cleaning I have planned today, it occurred to me how busy life's been lately. With mom's operation, and me signing two new book contracts, things have been more about juggling and less about writing. My attentions have been reduced to that of the common house fly buzzing around in a frenzy. But it's all good.

Mom's operation was successful, which trumps everything. She's healing nicely and getting stronger each day. I think I finally got a handle on my books and I know once I get back from Portland, it will return to business as usual. It's been a bumpy few months, but I do see a different kind of busy on the horizon. The one I like.

So, my question to everyone today is... how has your Summer been? Was it the relaxing laid back picture we'd all like to think we're gonna have? Or, did reality take a hold of you and shake you until you cried, uncle

Feel free to to comment below this post, I'd love to hear from you. It's always better knowing we're in this together.


  1. Summer has been pretty quiet here, which is a good thing. Mom is doing ok and the dogs....well, they are being the dogs, which is also good. I am getting a lot of painting done. Glad your mom is doing well and congrats on the book contracts!
